Anoop Judge | Author · Writing Instructor · Former T.V. Host​

Visiting Vietnam: 10 Reasons Why?

Why Vietnam? Hanoi’s bustling old quarter; historically rich Hoi An’s lantern ceremony and the dramatic scenery of Ha Long Bay: it is small wonder that Vietnam was named the World’s Leading Heritage Destination in 2019. Vietnam’s growing popularity as a travel destination has been confirmed by Trip Advisor’s ranking of it as one of the 10 best places to visit in the world. If you need persuading, here are 10 reasons to fall head over heels in love with Vietnam:

Motorbike Capital of the World:

A young woman on a motorbike brakes sharply to avoid a collision and her conical leaf hat flies off her head and lands on the sidewalk. That’s Vietnam for you.

Anoop Judge is a blogger and an author, who’s lived in the San Francisco-Bay Area for the past 27 years. As an Indian-American writer, her goal is to discuss the diaspora of Indian people in the context of twenty-first century America.